Fall is Here.  Almost.
Bubbles Are Part of My Self-Care

Fall is Here. Almost.

by The Weekender Soap Co on Sep 03, 2022

There is something about the first few days of September that make me forget that I'm in the last few days of summer and not in the mist of Fall.  

I definitely feel like we're in Fall.  The ocean breeze is cooler.  The studio smells like I live inside a Pumpkin Spice Latte and the colors are vibrant with golds, oranges, and reds!

While the beginning of summer was great for travel and catching up with friends, the last few weeks have been a bit crazy with getting our product ready for the Fall season.  From the design phase to manufacturing to creating new relationships with vendors, it's been alot.  But always fun!  I'm excited for our Fall launch on the September 12th!  I'm working on the last minute details and nervously waiting on UPS for some new packaging materials!  

Fall also tends to be the start of the season where finding time for some self-care gets increasingly difficult.  Between family, work, and commitments with friends, I have to make an extra effort to make sure I'm taking some me time.   Through-out our September e-mails, I'm including tips tips on how to make sure your self-care routine survives the season.  Last week, I shared some strategies on de-cluttering and our next newsletter will focus on outdoor events you can fit in before the days get shorter and the weather gets colder.   In case you missed it, I've included the de-cluttering tips below and you can always stay in the know by signing up for our emails in the footer at the bottom of our website.  

My Self-Care Tips For Fall 
You're probably use to hearing all about the benefits of Spring cleaning, but did you know it can be even more beneficial in the Fall?!  As the weather turns colder we tend to spend more time inside and there's nothing more stress inducing than a cluttered space!  
Most of us are overloaded with stuff from unopened mail lying on the kitchen counter,  unpacked boxes from the last move, to the cute outfit we recently picked up and is still sitting inside its packaging.  All of these things can have a negative impact on your mood.
With that in mind, Fall is a good time to clear some clutter and make the inside of your home a calming retreat, even if reality means that calm only lasts until the next mail delivery!
For a simple way to de-clutter, designate three boxes as trash, donate, and sell. From 1 to 22 September challenge yourself to pick up 3 items and put them into one of the three boxes.  As your schedule allows, empty the boxes by taking to the trash, dropping off at a donation facility, or uploading them to your favorite consignment App.  By the time Fall starts on the 22nd you will notice a lighter space and calming mood.  


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