Self-care & Self-love
Bubbles Are Part of My Self-Care

Self-care & Self-love

by Developer Team on Jul 24, 2022

Finding time for some self-care can be difficult. If you're a mom, you may even think of it as something you use to do.  You know!  What you did, "before I was a mom."  In a space where we’re constantly told that we can absolutely do everything we want— I personally think that’s a lie unless my day magically gained a few extra hours — we often struggle to balance what we think society expects, our needs and wants, with our reality. 

Apple pie dessert

Since the winter holidays, I’ve been going non-stop at work pushing myself to improve our processes and attain a promotion—spoiler alert, I got it!  I’ve either been constantly traveling for work, or cursing my daily 4 hour commute into the office for the past 7 months.  With my small biz, I've been crushing it, getting through a product photography class, which hopefully you'll benefit from, and already creating the anchor pieces of our Autumn 2022 line.  So when my best friend called and asked if I would be up for a  short girl’s weekend away, I said yes! And, I didn't feel guilty. 

When our daughter was first born, I struggled to take time to do the things that were very much still important to me and didn't include my husband or my daughter.  I already felt super guilty for taking an educational opportunity and going back to the classroom a month after her birth that going on a girl trip or taking a day for myself only created more stress and anxiety.  Although it took me some time to address that feeling, I’m a big supporter of doing the little and big things that get you some much needed me-time.  Personally, I’m more productive, a more attentive partner, a more present mom after I take some time for myself.  

Pool at Congress Hall

Now, self-care can be whatever you define it. Let me say that again, you.  You!  For me, sometimes it's enjoying that morning coffee on the deck before I reply to the text messages that have been going off since 0530.  This weekend it was a girl’s trip to Cape May. Have you ever been to Cape May, New Jersey?  No?  Neither had I.  My boss called it the Newport of New Jersey when I told him I would be taking a Friday off.  A very New England response—everything can be compared to something already in our backyard.  

This weekend, my self-care time included eating dessert first without selfishly worrying that there wouldn't be enough left for me because I'd have to share, even if my daughter initially said she wasn't interested in dessert!  It was catching up over a cocktail or a bottle of wine without monitoring the baby monitor.  It was time scrolling through endless photos of soap without feeling like I was neglecting my husband or our daughter!!!  It was finally getting the chance to start reading Where the Crawdads Sing if you haven't gotten to it yet, you should!  Yep, I didn't answer work emails.  None.  Yes, I left my daughter with her dad for the weekend, GASP!   Another spoiler, she survived!  And shout-out to my husband for being awesome and getting me out of the house.  

Shopping in Cape May, NJ

What are some ways you take me time?  How do you ensure that you're incorporating self-care into your reality?  Is it a few hours every evening?  A bath where nothing interrupts? A mental health day where you binge on the latest season of your favorite show?  That yearly girl’s weekend?  Comment below on how you take time for self-care and self-love.   








- Natalia   



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